This page is still being developed, but will contain legal resources for companies looking to do work in the Port of Seattle and for obtaining information about import/export through the port and customs regulations, as well as other legal issues.
We are looking for assistance for the development of this area of the site. If you are a member of the Seattle community and feel that you have information that will be useful to businesses using the Port of Seattle, please contact us at
For information about the tariffs at the Port, click here for the official site. Their documents are in PDF format so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Another site with valuable information comes from the Library of Congress where they provided Country Studies.
Depending on circumstances, you may need to contact a local attorney instead.
If you desire translation services to put your information in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Japanese or and other language, you may wish to use the translation services of Abracadabra Professional Legal Translation Services.